Equipment of mobile laboratories

Quality control of medical oxygen

Portable gas chromatographic complex "PIA"

Purpose of the complex:
analysis of the quality of medical gaseous oxygen

Allows for the minimum time to analyze trace impurities in oxygen with a sensitivity of up to 1 ppm. One analysis cycle - no more than 5 minutes.

Chromatograph manufacturer LLC NPF “MEMS ", Samara

Method for measuring the volume fraction of oxygen, oxide and carbon dioxide, nitrogen, methane by gas chromatography in medical gaseous oxygen Certificate of Attestation MD№241.0137/RA.RU.311866/2019

Gas moisture meter IVG-1

Purpose of the complex:
Designed to measure and register the humidity of non-aggressive gases.

The measurement range of micro-humidity, -80...0 °St.r.

Manufacturer JSC "EXIS"

Screening of the quality of medicines by non-destructive methods

Hardware and software complex "Mini-Ram 532"(raman spectrometry)

Purpose of the complex:
Confirmation of the authenticity of liquid and solid dosage forms. Quantitative assessment of aqueous solutions.

Metrological certification of the methodology of quantitative assessment of up to 2 components. Certificate of Attestation MD №241.0277/RA.RU.311866/2016

Metrological certification of the method of identification of medicines. Certificate of Attestation MD №241.0292/RA.RU.311866/2016

State registration of own software UniQue lab and database of Raman spectra models.

Near-infrared spectrometry

Purpose of the method:
Authentication of solid dosage forms (tablets, capsules, pharmaceutical substances).

NIR spectrometer Bruker